China’s Shenzhen goes into limited lockdown amid COVID-19 flareup

China’s spring outbreak of COVID-19 continues to subside, but a single local case in Shenzhen detected on Saturday triggered mass testing and neighborhood lockdowns in some parts of the technology hub. Two cases were eventually reported for Saturday, with none on Sunday.

Nationwide, China is reporting the lowest number of new cases since early February. Of its top 50 cities by economic size, none currently have widespread restrictions in place. Recent outbreaks in Beijing and Inner Mongolia look to have been brought under control.

Still, targeted curbs have been imposed. In-person teaching at elementary schools in Beijing and Shanghai is still halted, and some specific residential areas are locked down. A growing outbreak in Macau, its first in eight months, has triggered more border restrictions from mainland China.

COVID-19, China, Shenzhen

Shanghai is requiring everyone in the city to get tested each weekend. Many districts in Beijing and in other cities are also requiring regular testing, especially for workers in high-risk industries, including taxi drivers and retail employees. Shenzhen imposed home isolation orders on several residential compounds in the Futian and Luohu districts that border Hong Kong after each reported an asymptomatic infection.

