Pakistan minister urges public to drink less tea to reduce import bill

Pakistan's Federal Minister for Planning and Development Ahsan Iqbal has urged the public to cut down on their tea consumption to reduce the country's import bill.

"I appeal to the nation to reduce tea intake by one or two cups daily because we borrow money for tea import as well," Iqbal said while addressing the media on Tuesday.

He also asked the larger public to support government efforts to lift the country out of the economic stall it is in. Iqbal also appealed to the business community shut markets by 8.30pm to reduce electricity costs.

Asia, Pakistan

To prevent a looming default, the Pakistani government banned the import of 41 items in May. The decision lowered imports of cars, mobile phones, cosmetics, cigarettes, food products, certain garments and toiletries.

However, the measure seems to not be enough, as it would only curtail the import bill by less than 5%, or less than $600 million.

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