Silvio Berlusconi, 85, joins TikTok in bid for Italian youth vote

At the age of 85, Italy's former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi has joined TikTok in a bid to win over the youth vote at this month's general election.

“Hi guys, here I am," said a beaming Mr Berlusconi in his first post on the social media site.
“There are five million of you on this platform and 60 per cent of you are under 30 years old … I feel a little envious, but my compliments all the same.”

Better known for dance videos and make-up tutorials, the Chinese-owned site has been embraced by a number of Italian politicians as the election campaign gathers pace.
Matteo Salvini, leader of the right-wing Lega Nord party and former interior minister, has more than half a million people following his prolific TikTok posts — a record for Italian politics, he claimed.

Another party leader, Carlo Calenda of the small centrist Action movement, told followers: “I can't give tips on make-up because I have a fat tummy and I am ugly, but I can talk to you about politics.”

Mr Berlusconi, a TV mogul who shook up Italian politics with his media-savvy showmanship and slick American-style rallies, is attempting his latest political comeback.

