Alastair Burt says 'no hands from outside' can fix Iraq's political problems

Alastair Burt, a former Middle East minister, has said Iraq's leaders must take on the country's challenges and not simply hope that partners like the UK can play a greater role in the reconstruction of the state.

Almost 20 years after British troops took part in a coalition invasion of Iraq, Mr Burt said he is routinely asked why the UK government chooses to take a backseat role in the rebuilding of the nation and establishment of a post-Saddam democratic system. “I think it's perfectly clear now that the issue of the determination of the future of governance in Iraq will be quite properly in the hands of the Iraqi people and those who are elected and guiding them,” he said.

“It won't be in the hands of anyone from outside.”

The British Army maintains a presence in the country but this is solely in training capacity aimed at equipping local forces with the skills needed to prevent a resurgence of Isis.

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